Help the Team and Donate to the Walking Together Foundation

The Walking Together Foundation was established to aid our work family through hard times. The FEED Co. Table & Tavern is just a name without the people behind it that make it great.

100% of all contributions made go to those people in their time of need.

When we opened The FEED Co. Table & Tavern, we started with a mission to provide not only delicious food and craft drinks, but to provide a gathering spot for our neighborhoods and a short escape from the chaos of life. Through your support we have grown into community cornerstone. We have created a foundation to help support our restaurant family and their families during unforeseen challenges. One hundred percent of the money raised will aid our employees and help them to provide for their families. We remain committed to our Chattanooga family and are using every available resource to help care for our most important asset, our team.

Thank you for your loyalty and support.

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