Thanksgiving Tips and Tricks

Thanksgiving is filled with food and family, but if you’re the cook, it’s also filled with stress and pressure. Preparing the dishes and have everything hot and on the table at the same time can be nothing short of a miracle.

We’ve asked our talented kitchen team to share their tips and tricks for preparing a feast!

Get a Game Plan
Don’t wait until the night before to make your plan of attack in the kitchen. Sit down a week before with pen and paper to create your menu, grocery list, serving ware needs and timeline.

Thaw the Bird
One of the biggest mistakes is not allowing adequate time to thaw the turkey. Be sure to remove the bird from the freezer and allow it to thaw for 48 hours before brining and cooking.

Set the Table
Dig out the dishes and linens in the days before Thanksgiving and set the table. This easy task can be completed days in advance and take one thing off the to-do list. While you’re at it, plan, clean and organize your serving dishes. Use post-it notes to label which bowl is for each dish.

Bake Early
Pies, cakes and many other desserts can be prepared a day or two in advance and stored in the refrigerator until Thanksgiving day. Just remember to properly cover the dish and remove from the refrigerator and allow to come to room temperature prior to serving.

 Sort the Recipes
While storing recipes on digital devices can be convenient, save yourself time by printing your recipes and taping them to the cupboard doors. You’ll have everything in place and no sticky screens.

Skip the Peel
Peeling potatoes can be time consuming. Skip the peeler and dice and peel your potatoes with the skin on. After boiling them, either submerge them in ice water to allow the skins to peel off or mash them with the skin on.

Invest in a Thermometer
Just a few minutes can separate a cooked turkey from a dry bird. Use a thermometer to eliminate the guesswork and ensure a perfectly cooked bird.

Clean Out the Fridge
Refrigerator space comes at a premium during holiday gatherings. Create more space by using a cooler to hold condiments and other items that you won’t need on the big day. Drink buckets can also be a great solution for storing drinks and make them easily accessible for guests.

Chop, Dice and Prep
Trim, chop, and dice your vegetables the evening before Thanksgiving and store them in plastic baggies in the fridge. It will save you one less step when you start cooking.

Tiffany Hutton